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Which Is The Right Timber For Your Decking?

Decking is among the most popular choices when it comes to getting functional outdoor space for your property. For every homeowner, the Merbau Decking Melbourne is an investment which is why they prefer to make wide choices in every aspect of building the decking, starting with choosing the right timber.

Though it may sound time-consuming before you finalise the timber, make sure that you find the right supplier from whom you would get the timber supplies Melbourne for your decking.

timber supplies Melbourne

Further to figure out, you can consider the options that we have listed.

First things first, Know the Location of the decking.

It's crucial to keep in mind that your deck will be outside your home (but within the perimeters of your property). As a result, the climatic circumstances around you are the most significant factor to consider.

Heavy rain or constant exposure to strong sunshine, for example, might have a negative impact on your building and cause progressive discolouration. As a result, you must place it in an appropriate location where the impact of nature's elements is low, so extending the life and usability of your favourite outdoor destination.

  • Ironbark

Ironbark is the decking material of choice if you want a deck that will endure forever (or almost). Because of its heft and density, the wood earned its name. Due to its density, it is a tough wood to deal with, yet it has the highest possible durability rating of 1.

Ironbark is a stunning wood with hues ranging from light brown to dark crimson. Ironbark is one of the most durable timbers, as well as being resistant to fire, termites, and rot. If you want to build a pool deck, ironbark can be the greatest option.

  • Treated pine

Treated pine has become one of the most popular decking timbers because it is one of the most affordable options and can provide a beautiful deck.

Because pine takes stain or paints well, you may paint or stain your deck whatever colour you want. However, not all treated pine is the same. The Hazard ("H") grade indicates if it is acceptable for outdoor use and whether the posts can contact the ground. The proper "H" rating for your decking, joists, posts and other components can be determined with the help of a professional decking supplier.

  • Merbau

Merbau is a widely used hardwood as a result of its performance or durability. Merbau is collected from tropical forests and, in certain situations, may originate from suppliers that are illegally supplied. I always recommend double-checking with your supplier to ensure that their timber supplies Melbourne are certified and sourced from a reputable source using ethical methods.


Merbau is a high-performance hardwood that is well-suited to Australia's environment. Merbau is an excellent choice if you're looking for red-coloured hardwood.

One thing to keep in mind when working with Merbau is that it should never be used near light-coloured tiles or pavers, as the wood is notorious for leaching tannins. It is always recommended to pre-oiling Merbau twice before installation if you want to prevent leaching.